Calm minds and bodies with deep breathing.


Jars with lids, water, glitter, sticky labels, pens.


  1. Get the children to create their mind in a jar by filling their jar with water, adding glitter, then decorating their jar with their name, either on the lid or on a sticky label.

  2. Once created, ask them to think about a time when they were really mad, angry or worried. Gather feedback.

  3. Get them to shake up their jars and explain that it represents their mind when they’re upset. Their thoughts are swirling about like the glitter in the jar.

  4. As they watch the glitter settle, talk about how taking a few deep breaths can help them to calm their minds and bodies.

  5. Ask children to shake up their jar again and practise deep breathing as they watch the glitter settle.

Teacher Notes

Once created, the jars can be placed in a ‘quiet area’ of the classroom.

When children are feeling anxious, upset, or angry, they can go to the quiet place, find their jar, shake it up, and then practise breathing as they watch the glitter settle.

Remind them to use this technique whenever they need to calm their minds and bodies.