Practise being still using breathing as a focus.


Picture of a frog or toy frog, bell.


  1. Find a quiet space where children can sit in a circle undisturbed.

  2. Read introduction (see Teacher Notes).

  3. Ask children to sit still like a frog and focus on their breathing.

  4. Practise once for 2 minutes. Then, try for 5 minutes.

  5. Use a bell to signify the start and end of the exercise.

Teacher Notes

Suggested introduction:

“A frog is capable of enormous leaps, but it can also sit very still as it waits to catch flies. It breathes in and out preserving its energy. Its frog belly rises and falls. It doesn’t make any ‘ribbet’ sounds. Can you sit still and quietly like a frog for 5 minutes and pay attention to your belly rising and falling?”