Our Second Birthday

If our 1st year was our year to find our feet, gallop and take off, our 2nd year has been marked by a steady path and perseverance.

We’re proud to include in this year’s milestones:

  • Becoming a registered UK charity

  • Launching our Teacher Training Workshops

  • Creating new partnerships

  • Connecting with more schools

Our 2nd Birthday coincides with the 2015 Year of the Goat in the Chinese horoscope where steadiness, creativity, generosity and bringing goodness to others is what it’s all about. We’ve done our best to keep a level head, taking some well-needed deep breadths along the way … kept our creative juices going … and kept bringing joy and ‘magic’ to children at the heart of our INSIDE OUT mission.

But you know what they say about the terrible 2’s. Good thing we have some secure footing and have worked hard to help pave out the road ahead.

Ready, steady, go!

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