Postcards Are Fun

Postcards may be small. They don’t take up much space, but they can contain big ideas.


We created 5 fab postcards – in our 4 INSIDE OUT colours – mossy green, earth brown, bright orange and cool blue – all with different messages that gently reinforced ideas we were going to be exploring with the children. So how do we get the children engaging with the cards? We decided that at the end of our first INSIDE OUT day, we would ask the children to choose any card they liked and to write about their most magical moment from the day. Something that made them really happy. It could be a sentence, a word, a drawing. And then they could choose another card to take home.

Our postcards are meant to be a fun way for the children to express how they are feeling…something that will continue to remind them of their experience…and a creative way for the INSIDE OUT team to get some feedback. They also provide discussion points with teachers and parents.