The Summer Of Now

INSIDE OUT had a blast this summer with NOW — a fab organisation that brings creativity and mindfulness together through experiential workshops, talks and events.


In July, we were part of their week-long Festival of wellbeing activities at Deptford Lounge in East London. Ducks and wild art in a library? Yup. (shhhhhh!). Both were in our workshop for children and families about the 5 Keys to Happiness. Ducks were there to help with belly breathing and calming our minds. We transformed the community centre’s library into a big sun and everyone created their own slice of summer using sticks, flowers, leaves and feathers collected nearby … and shared why it made them happy inside. It was a fun-filled morning of stimulating our senses, savouring the moment and being in the NOW.


… and in August, our team hit the road to Wilderness — Festival that is — which ‘took over a pocket of Oxfordshire countryside and filled it with music, food, performance and festival magic.’ Thrilled to be part of NOW’s ‘mindfulness feast,’ we ran workshops all weekend for children … and families again too … inside the NOW Dome and outside on the sprawling grounds of Cornbury Park.


The ducks from Deptford were back and the children felt their bellies rise and fall and the weather inside; they created nature art and wrote tree wishes and tied them on branches for everyone to see. Some of the same children came every day which was great. There were so many memorable moments. Hearing from one parent that his daughter had been using the FBW she had learned with us all weekend and it was really helping her with anxious thoughts, is one that I personally will never forget.


Bring on the autumn …