I never felt so calm in my life. It feels like my heart is beating with joy.
— Sophie, 8
Inside Out is not something I would do if I did not believe it has a positive effect on those children who need to be more engaged in their own learning – especially those who have challenging behaviour and are at risk of exclusion at some stage of their education, or who are passive and have little or no aspirations.
— Helen Wallace, Former Headteacher, Thameside Primary School, Reading

It’s about playing and learning and getting over your fears.
— Kian, 10

Seeing how the children change throughout the day. Confidence, focus, empathy, sensitivity, are only a few of those feelings they discover.
— Margaret Leishman, Teaching Assistant, Hagbourne CE Primary School, Didcot

In my whole 8 ½ year life, it was the best day I ever had.
— Isabella, 8

What an amazing day the Inside Out day must have been!! My daughter has shared her experiences and favourite activities with me, which was magical. The day clearly made a huge impression on her and she thinks you should do it once a fortnight.
— Parent

It made me calm and it was cool to learn how your mind worked.
— Evan, 8